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Patricia Heggie1 May - 19:57
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Mixed Back2Hockey is back for the Summer!

Exciting news - Back2Hockey is back!

Our Back2Hockey sessions are for any adult who’d like to give hockey a go or get restarted after a break. It’s a great way to get fit, have some fun and meet new people.

We are running 10 sessions of an hour on a mix of Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings - so hopefully something to suit everyone.

The first session is Saturday 4th May 9:30 -10:30 - although everyone is welcome to come earlier to warm up - some of us may need longer than others for this!! A full list of the dates and times is at the end of this article.

If you’d like to join in the fun and blow away some hockey cobwebs - or give it a go for the first time - you will be very welcome.

What do you need? It’s pretty simple - wear sports kit and have a gum shield at the ready. If you have your own kit (sticks and shin pads) then please bring but, if not, we can help out.

To sign up, please go to the website - or app (you’ll need to register) then go to the shop and buy all 10 sessions for just £40 or, if you’d rather pay as you go, then you can do that too.

If you’d like more information, or guidance on signing up, please email Angela who will be running the sessions:

Saturdays 09:30-10:30
May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
June 8th

Tuesdays 19:00-20:00
May 7th

Wednesdays 19:00-20:00
May 29th
June 11th, 19th, 26th

Further reading